- GTR™ can be used for In-Situ and Ex-Situ application.
- GTR™ can be used for In-Situ and Ex-Situ applicationuses natural gas, propane, or diesel fuel (instead of electricity) as the energy source to heat the subsurface,often at very competitive costs compared to other In-Situ remediation options, with more confidence and a shorter time frame!
- Safety, certainty, and speed can be achieved at a lower price point than excavation.
- Excellent for Clay Sites and Fractured Bedrock!!!
- A wider available effective temperature range (100-400°C) means a larger number of contaminants that can be treated.
- In-Situ Thermal Desorption is used where excavation is difficult, where a fixed price and fast execution are needed, to limit nuisances (excavation, noise, odours, traffic, etc), and where difficult access impedes other technologies.
- Ex-Situ GTR™ is performed on-site to treat soil in piles or containerized units.